Forced Labor Policy

Knit Concern is committed to avoid forced labour and pressurized work to all workers and staffs.

Objective: Knit Concern ensures to all the sections and units that all workers and staffs may work with their full consent without any kind of force and fear.


  1. No works can be withheld by showing fear, physical punishment or financial penalty from the workers.
  2. Any kind of written assurance letter from the workers while recruitment is prohibited.
  3. Workers may join and resign on their own will.
  4. During working hour all entrances and exits are widely open for easy access and use; and must not be closed at any cost.
  5. All workers are allowed to use toilet, wash room and drink drinking water at any time during working hour.
  6. In emergency case if factory needs overtime for shipment, that should be voluntary basis and should not be conferred forcefully.
  7. No workers are forcefully sacked on the name of retirement.
  8. Any kind of original document such as passport, certificate and license are not supposed to be stored, gathered and filed on the name of the conditions of recruitment.
  9. During recruitment process female workers are never allowed to perform pregnancy test.
  10. If any pregnant woman wants to join for work, it is not tolerable that any kind of discrimination is happen to her.
  11. No discrimination is allowed inside factory premises towards pregnant woman.